The most relatable thing any girl from the show has ever said

Not that I understand why you're so annoyed by someone black, from the season itself wanted Aquaria (who they know personally) to win but whatever-

In the very interview Monique said that Eureka was so disgusting in the snatch game that she get Ru annoyed and sick, if they dont wanted her to win- why cut it out of the edit? Her snatch game was amazing and it make The Vixen look crazy when she call her out.

You also point out that Aquaria had a fight with The Vixen from some reason you ignore that The Vixen said herself that Eureka harrassed her all the time even when the show aired. And when she brought up the fact that Eureka come for her on purpose, Ru just said "nope, it didnt happened" even when it was recorded and show on the episode itself.

So yeah, it wasn't racial conflict like with Aquaria, but it's not a good look to come over and over again to a black queen and then try to be a friend with her just to look good, especially when people found out that she use the N word.

So....its look to be that they both were favorite to win.

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