Critique my profile?

My advice as to your profile is that it is too self-centered. You outline your very busy schedule, that you might not respond to messages promptly (if at all), that you want an arrangement with a suitor (preferably Asian) who will work around your demanding schedule, that you are involved on campus (as most college students are), etc. You have to consider your potential suitor and the fact that his schedule is almost certainly more demanding than yours.

What are you bringing to the table? What do you have to offer over the hundreds of other college students on the site? Your profile states your requirements and needs, but doesn't state what you offer in exchange.

Something along the lines of, "I'm an energetic, fun, sensual college student looking to meet one suitor for a long-term arrangement." Then, list some of your interests or something personal about yourself other than your racial makeup.

What are you studying at university? Something that has worked wonderfully for me (I'm a SB who is currently in an $8k/month arrangement plus apartment in NYC, networking opportunities, an internship, and grad school tuition paid), is to put my area of study and career goals in my profile and state that I am particularly interested in meeting someone in that field who might mentor me, in addition to the traditional arrangement.

Successful people love to mentor intelligent and enthusiastic young people in their field of expertise. Maybe instead of seeking specifically an Asian, seek an arrangement with someone in the field that you would like to start a career in. In addition to financial assistance from the arrangement, you can also get priceless networking opportunities, possible internship or job leads, and advice about your chosen career. After all, you are going to need something to talk about at dinner and, in my experience, successful people are delighted to mentor and advise young people interested in their profession.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but your appearance is going to be a big factor in the quality and quantity of responses you receive. Best advice I have for that is to have flattering current photos that show you at your best. What works for me in my profile is a photo in a dress that clearly shows my figure (nothing sleazy), a close up of my face with a big smile, and a shot of myself in casual jeans and nice top holding up a current newspaper to show that it's a current photo (sort of looks like a ransom photo haha). I would recommend against any sleazy, lingerie, tacky or desperate looking pictures - those attract the wrong sort of suitors.

Last critique would be to write your profile out in complete sentences and use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. It doesn't have to be perfect, but writing, "esp" and other abbreviations is immature and not something a college student should be writing. Also, keep in mind that your ideal suitor is well-educated and likely doesn't write in college slang and abbreviations, so it just comes across like you aren't putting in much effort.

That being said, don't give up, there's lots of good suitors on that site. Don't settle for a match that isn't ideal for you and doesn't work for your schedule. Hope I didn't come across as a jerk; I'm just passing on some advice that has worked for me. Apologies for my mini novel!

/r/sugarlifestyleforum Thread