Trump is a threat to the West as we know it, even if he loses

We are a threat to ourselves. We created this environment. This is what we all produced. We are the ignorant, we are the intelligent. We are the reasonable and we are the angry. We deserved all of this because of our refusal to care about others. We only care about ourselves.

IF WE CANNOT CO EXIST WITH ONE ANOTHER TO ACCOMPLISH LEGISLATION THAT IS NOT BASED ON RELIGION BUT COMMON SENSE AND FOR THE GOOD OF US ALL THEN WE SHOULD SPLIT OUR COUNTRY IN HALF PERMANENTLY- let the south rise again and have their own governmen. Let the north govern freely. Let's see how successful the south will be with their god, guns and country mentality. Let's see how successful the north will be giving everything for free to those who are lazy and refuse to work and feel entitled. Eventually one side will figure it out and do well. I'M SICK OF BEING HELD PRISONER BY THOSE WHO REFUSE TO CHANGE. Those who lie and are driven by greed.

This is a result of the media being driven by clicks and a narcissistic population that brags on Facebook and Instagram about their good fortune. We are now numb. We deserved all of this. If we had half a brain, we give up watching the Kardashians and harass our local leaders and march on Washington daily. We need our own American spring. We are lemmings.

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