The current performance problems are inexcusable and need to be addressed quickly.

You can be angry about them taking money while the game is in a beta state, which is a reasonable take, but that doesn't make the game not be in a beta state. The kind of issues we're seeing right now are exactly the kind of thing that betas are used to find and diagnose. Some people are having terrible performance issues while others have none, with there seeming to be no rhyme or reason based on hardware or settings. The "Choose a card" mechanic has somehow become incredibly screwed up with the addition of M20, even though there have been 6 or 7 set releases since Sorcerous Spyglass that didn't break the mechanic. Those kinds of problems are weird, not easy to catch in development, and can sometimes be hard to diagnose and fix. It gets a lot easier when you have many, many people playing the game to reproduce and report bugs and help gather more information.

The stuff you agree to when you download the game and make an account are very straightforward that the game is in a beta state, and the performance issues and weird problems we're seeing are exactly what they mean by that. Again, if you don't like the notion of them taking money for a beta game, or heavily advertising a game that's in beta, that's a perfectly valid opinion. But when they say it's a beta, you click the acknowledgement that it's a beta, and the game has beta issues, it's not very meaningful to say "They're charging money so it's not a beta and shouldn't have beta issues." It is a beta, and it does have beta issues, and if you don't like that they charge money and advertise it while it's in this state, just say that instead of playing word games.

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