I played this rune, it left my hand but never casted. Then it just stayed there the rest of the game. I've had nonstop bugs with this game that have lost me the game many times. Samsung S1 reinstalled many times. Glad to know I'm not crazy.

Stop making this about your ego. This isn't an attack on you. This isn't about blame. It's information, to help you.

How is this about your ego?

You don't think if I didn't have connection issues before hand I would have deduced that to be the problem? This is a recurring issue without any connection issues.

When I started recording this video the game was continuing completely fine without any connection issues, even in the background of the connecting to server message.

This is a clear BUG and the fact you're just falling on "It's your internet" is just wrong.

You lost connection to the server. That's why the card stayed on the stack. It's because of your internet.

That's not what happened at all. So again, you're wrong.

The card was never on the stack but left my hand completely. It never casted. Even with connection issues the game still continues after a reconnection is established.

During the connection message the game is still being played completely fine with normal connection.

The card remains over the course of several turns on the stack and the connection issue only pops up when that card is reached on the stack.

This is a CLEAR client issue and in no way can it rationally be argued that it's a connection issue. Literally nothing in this video shows a bad connection, everything shows a bugged client.

/r/MagicArena Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it