Cut or Recomp? 6'0" 173lbs

I like to think I'm at 18-20%, and you're probably 21-23%. Just an eyeball guesstimate.

But I totally understand that want to be thinner. I have been on the fence for months figuring out when I would bulk. I landed on like 3-4 different methods before just going all in on a lean bulk. And it's not easy, since it's a mental jump seeing yourself look completely different, and knowing you can go either way and end up in the same place makes it hard to choose. Lots of people will say cut until you're below 15%, but I'm not interested in getting skeletal before I gain muscle, and it's not a big deal to build under fat for me, since I've lived as a fatty for 9 years already, so what's a little longer to cut a year later and look great then anyway.

So far on this bulk, I'm gaining a little weight, but I'm not seeing a lot of fat gain outside of minor bloating, and I'm already seeing muscle/strength gain all over (especially in the biceps). My veins area also showing more.

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