My fats are concentrated in the stomach area where it grows into a huge beer belly when I'm full. Should I lose weight to get rid of them? I'm 5'2" at 54kg (119lbs) atm. My body image goal is more of looking lean and toned rather than looking muscular.

The amount of people on this sub who just want a six pack without putting in work amazes me. Either start working that fat off and build lean muscle with a balanced regimen. Or if you dont care about your health, mentally or physically, you could completely cut carbs out of your diet and solely focus on healthy proteins/fats. I dont recommend anyone do crash diets like the atkins, but to lose water weight or get a cut look it does work. Temporarily. Dont do it for more than 8 weeks. Use fiber supps. Drink TONS of water. If you are under 25 forget I said anything. If you do it youll most likely rebound and gain more fat. Binge eat night. Generally feel terrible. But youll get a six pack without putting in the work. Temporarily.

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