DACA for Dummies

Trump was put to a legal deadline of September 5th by Texas and other States after which they would proceed with a lawsuit to shutdown the entire program. He wouldn't have touched it otherwise.

For those of us fighting against the unconstitutional DACA, it's a huge step backwards. We, the People already voted on the DREAM Act in 2001,McCain-Kennedy amnesty in 2006, DREAM Act in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011. Each time We, the People said no. President Obama and Secretary Napolitano implemented it anyway in 2012.

Candidate Trump's pledge to us was simple:

  1. Immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal executive amnesties. All immigration laws will be enforced - we will triple the number of ICE agents. Anyone who enters the U.S. illegally is subject to #deportation. That is what it means to have laws and to have a country.

So now President Trump has not fulfilled that pledge, wouldn't touch it until the States were poised to shut it down through the courts, and has now cancelled but won't enforce for six months and is telling Congress he'll sign an amnesty bill. Really? How is this not a complete betrayal?

Americans who voted for him and thought relief was coming from this unconstitutional pseudo-law now take a back seat to the foreign national illegal aliens who have come first for the last 5 years for at least six more months and probably forever if he signs an amnesty bill. This isn't really putting Americans first in any way.

/r/The_Donald Thread Link - i.imgur.com