dad gifts are weird, what do you actually want?

Nothing really. And here’s why. We don’t throw anything out. So I literally have shirts, socks, ties and sweaters to last the rest of my life. If I really want something, it’s probably a rifle, whiskey, or boots - which are quite expensive so I would never expect someone to gift them to me. Anything else would be subpar, unless it was an identical replacement for something of mine that broke (eg. E-razor, e-toothbrush, headphones/AirPods). What I really want are modifications to our daily lives - a little bit more me time, a bit less work, quality time with the kids, someone to do the yard work for free…

Realistically, here are some options: books, hot sauce, thats it really

And no gift cards or money ffs, I hate that - makes me feel like a charity.

/r/Dads Thread