Joe Rogan fans extremely triggered by anti-imperialist, leftist guest Abby Martin

It's not whataboutism if I'm not defending others by condemning her. I'm not saying x is the lesser of two evils because y is bad. I'm strictly criticizing her involvement as a host of state run propaganda of a horrible regime. That is not whataboutism. Please stop using that word if you are indicating why it's whatboutism.

Great that she woke up, but isn't it problematic that she worked there to begin with? If someone retired after years as a Goldman Sachs executive citing greed, would he then be someone trustworthy to call upon for a anti-capitalist revolution?

You keep bringing up America or America's stance on Russia as if that's the reason I am opposed to them. No, I'm opposed to Russia because I don't like state run media, extrajudicial jailing of dissidents and journalists, jailing and oppression of LGBT people. And no, any amount of US imperialism does not absolve that. Nor does America being against Russia legitimize Russia.

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