What is the dopest bible verse that you know?

You can't interpret the Bible based on a translation - you have to look at the original Hebrew. You also have to look at the context of the other verses. Besides, even if your interpretation is accurate, saying that you're going to be successfully sued means you've done something wrong, not that it's okay. If someone doesn't sue it just means you've gotten away with it, not that what you did was all right.

This is a more accurate translation.

And should men quarrel and hit a pregnant woman, and she miscarries but there is no fatality, he shall surely be punished, when the woman's husband makes demands of him, and he shall give [restitution] according to the judges' [orders].

According to this site that translates the Hebrew to English, the punishment for causing a death of a undeveloped embryo is up to the husband. If the woman's husband has no objections to the abortion then it is cool with God.

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