Daily Discussion - May 19, 2021 (GMT+0)

Bruhhhh. Okay I’m gonna type this out because miscommunication of any kind is a pet peeve of mine.

This is what I’m saying:

Crypto: not fake.

Usd: infinitely printed, can lose value, but backed by countries, economies, & militaries.

Tether: infinitely printed, backed by nothing.

Okay. Let’s say you want to sell your crypto. You sell for us money or tethers? Well. Tether was just proven to be worth 2 pennies a tether. Not a dollar. But that’s what was JUST used to pump the crypto you own. Therefore, you realize that you have been buying an asset class that is pumped by what is basically Monopoly money. It’s not backed by ANYTHING.

THERE. That’s what I’m saying. And that’s what every single person in existence agrees is 100% fact of the matter truth. Plain and simple it’s 100% true.

Understand now?

/r/CryptoCurrency Thread Parent