Fe grip?

I'm kinda getting there right now and I've been there in the past.. both times when dating an Fe Dom lmao. So I can 100% claim that it's a feeling of being overwhelmed by my own lack of top notch social life... I only know regular people and nerds nowadays. I had a bunch of friends in my early 20s so that wasn't a problem back then. I think for us a girl with Fe 2nd is probably ideal (hi IxFJs). Fe Hero to inferior is a lot.

IMO This Fe grip is bound to leading to failure of the relationship with someone who needs more than what I can offer. Those women love my looks, my personality, my goals. I make good $ so we can do fun stuff but it's just the 2 of us so even that gets old and Fe dom women can't help but get bored by the lack of social stimulation I'm offering. First time was 5 years ago and I remember feeling super depressed because the girl was putting a lot of pressure on me and my lack of "good" friends. Now we're talking about building high level network and shit like that which I do NOT need at all. So I think I know the way to navigate this, which is to have a chat with the girl and most probably move on.

/r/istp Thread