Daily Discussion Thread - April 25, 2019

I found the tea on Symone Sanders

Yet Sanders remains remarkably awkward on the subject: when asked about the candidacies of Stacey Abrams in Georgia and Andrew Gillum in Florida, he declared that “there are a lot of white folks out there who are not necessarily racist who felt uncomfortable for the first time in their lives about whether or not they wanted to vote for an African-American.” Symone Sanders, a strategist who worked for Bernie’s 2016 run, was puzzled by another recent comment that attempted to be high-minded yet came out sounding strangely demeaning. “He has this odd riff, about how candidates can’t just be a woman or a person of color,” she says. “Some people have said it’s tone-deaf—I think it’s a jab, and it’s not something that appeals to women or black voters.”

“I see signs that the senator understands the work that needs to be put into winning black votes,” says Symone Sanders, who ran Bernie’s 2016 South Carolina organization, and who was frustrated by the lack of support from the campaign’s leadership. “His biggest misstep was that he didn’t spend enough time in the state. It was like pulling teeth to get him to leave the Senate to go campaign. Now he’s done events all over the country that pay attention to the black electorate. But there are only four people who know how to run a winning statewide operation in South Carolina, and three of them are already working for someone else. Bernie’s people courted Jalisa Washington-Price real hard to run South Carolina, and she went with Kamala Harris.”


I didn't remember that Bernie got BTFO in South Carolina so hard

he has struggled to hire a top black organizer to run his South Carolina operation, where in 2016 he lost 84 to 16 percent among black voters.

/r/centerleftpolitics Thread