Daily FI discussion thread - December 03, 2020

No one is speaking in absolutes. When Jim Cramer says "Amazon is going to go up," he doesn't mean he knows for sure. That's how talking works.

"I like to eat ice cream," doesn't mean I always know that I will like a certain ice cream, or that I always want it. "I hate getting caught in the rain," doesn't mean I always feel that way, or all rain events are contained within the set of things called "rain" in the original sentence. Talking is easier if you don't have to assume everyone thinks every thing said on the internet is true. "I know," doesn't even mean "I have certainty," least of all all the times when I reasonable person knows that things lack certainty.

Could you imagine if every sentence everyone spoke was riddled with disclaimers setting the stage for the common knowledge of man so as to not offend someone who always hears absolutes where everyone knows there aren't any. Jesus.

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