Daily General Discussion - May 27, 2022 (GMT+0)

What cryptocurrency is this?

-10+ years of 100% network uptime?

-A completely decentralized network, that can't be shut down by a centralized party

-In pretty much every ATM that Bitcoin is available in?

-Costs less than 2 cents to transfer?

-Has actual transactional privacy so the receiver of funds can't see the senders wallet contents?

-Is the 3rd most used cryptocurrency network (volume/value transfered) on a daily basis in 2022?

-Can help bitcoin with scaling, since Bitcoin even with the lightning network can only handle a few million users per month (To open a lightning channel it takes a layer 1 btc transaction. 7tps, and even using lighting in/out once a month BTC can only serve 9 million users in a world of 8 billion)

-Get's shit on constantly by Bitcoin maxi's as a "clone" of bitcoin (it's not)

-Get's shit on /r/CryptoCurrency constantly because "the owner sold the top and abandoned the project". He didn't sell the top, he sold to make the network more decentralized, and he's been literally working on this network on a regular constant basis since he sold years ago. He's been working on privacy for years and helped privacy be added to the network just last week.

-take away stable coins, exchange coins, and wrapped coins and is literally in the top handful of coins in marketcap.

-Have I mentioned it's a fav of /r/CryptoCurrency to shit on it for the wrong reasons?

Anyone know what coin that is?

/r/CryptoCurrency Thread