Home Office records missing most inbound travel

Well, I mean giving up using the home office records as proof.

The issue is that I left on September 2020 (it shows on the records) and came back on December 2020 (it doesn't show).

The next thing it shows is outbound travel on October 2021, so that's too far away. But yeah I have some other proof, especially my HMRC records which show I had a job from February 2021 to this day, and I really hope that acceptable evidence.

However I may not have acceptable proofs for December 2020 (which I'd rather have because from what I understand worst case scenario I can ask for another pre settled status if I can prove I was back before 31/12/2020, I might be wrong about this).

The things I have is:

  • A badly filled out 1 page tenancy agreement from 27/12/2020, notably missing the address of the landlord. I contacted her and she doesn't want to give out this information and doesn't want to help or me to contact her again (nice lady).

  • my Monzo statements showing some payments made in 01/2021 but nothing in 12/2020, and on top of that showing the wrong address until 01/2021 because I stupidly failed to update my address (from a friend's address I was staying at when I opened my account. Monzo used to tell you that can use any friends address to open an account if you're not a resident but this has disappeared from their website) after I got that account.

  • my Monese statements showing payments made in the UK as well as my rent payment for 12/2020 and 01/2020 but I've heard that Monese isn't a real bank so I don't know how much that counts. Also when I generate them they show my current address instead of the old one. I asked them about this and they can't told me they generate one with the old address but advised to just manually change my address to the old one and generate a new statement but isn't it fraud?

  • A receipt of the Eurostar ticket I used when I came back in 12/2020, showing "ticket scanned" but an adviser from Citizens Advice told me they don't accept these.

I expected the home office records to be my ultimate proof but I guess not.

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