Damn, this girl.

Listen to me carefully. You go up to that girl and you tell her how you feel. Let me tell you my story: When i was about 22 I had absolutely no interest in this one girl i worked with. We hated each other. I thought she was annoying and she thought i was an asshole. Anyway, one day she started being flirty and playful with me. Of course me, I think nothing of it because my thoughts at the time were even if she was coming on to me there was no way in hell i would even consider dating her. It confused me for a while but I didn't pay attention to it because I didn't like her. In fact, i wanted to punch her because of how annoying she was. Then one day I woke up and it was divine intervention. Suddenly i was attracted to her. I literally went to sleep one night hating her guts and the next day i asked her out on a date. We hit it off great, it was shocking to find out we had so much in common. 3 months into our relationship i bought the ring. Here I am now. I woke up to get a glass of water, opened up reddit and typed this all while the goddess who stole my heart is asleep next to me..... I fucking love her man. She's a great mom, a great cook, and she's fun to be with. Sometimes it feels like I'm under water and I can't breathe because of how much i love her. Ah, to do it all over again haha.

/r/offmychest Thread