Dear Berniebots..

Whites are far less likely to be to be incarcerated than blacks or latinos with similar criminal records for similar crimes.

Statistical disparity does not prove discrimination.

Whites are not disproportionately denied the right to vote based on a past felony conviction or voter-id laws.

The ability to get an ID and register to vote has nothing to do with skin color. Sounds like a pretty racist accusation actually.

Whites are not three times more likely to be searched during a traffic stop because they were racially profiled.

Are you arguing statistics again? Could it be perhaps that Minorities are actually disproportionately more likely to have contraband? That's also a statistic, what do you have to say about that?

Whites don't receive longer sentences for the same crimes a minority commits.

Can you prove any sort of discrimination through this? or is it that maybe the way you act in court, and the way you present yourself, the articulation and tone of your voice determines whether or not the judge will be more merciful to you?

White males do not suffer from wage disparity/discrimination based on the color of the skin or their gender.

This is a myth. Males take more dangerous jobs, and spend more time at work, which is why they get paid more. Simple as that. Women just don't want to go be crab fishermen, live on an oil rig for six months a year etc.

White males aren't underrepresented in positions of authority or power, whether that be in business, the news, politics, hollywood, etc.

White males aren't underrepresented in positions of authority or power, whether that be in business, the news, politics, hollywood, etc.

White males aren't adversely viewed during hiring decisions based on whether or not the employer assumes you will be bearing children in the near future.

White males don't have any part of their reproductive system regulated and controlled by the government telling them what medical decisions they can or can't make with their doctor and family.

We also get our genitals mutilated at birth. How does this give white males some sort of leg up on other people in society? That's not privilege.

White males don't work or walk in public with the fear of being sexually harassed for what they wear or look like.

How is biology an unfair privilege? White males also die in violence more than females, and were a thousand times more likely to get our legs blown off and killed.

White individuals aren't being labeled or stereotyped as rapists, criminals, or druggies just because they come from a certain neighborhood/city/country.

This is the most asinine, racist, delusional and unsupported thing you posted. There is absolutely no way you could prove this.

Same answer as the last. Males work longer hours and are willing to sacrifice more time and take more taxing and hard jobs. It's basic biology, not discrimination.

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