Deaths at Ariana Grande concert after explosion at Manchester Arena

I'm quarter Pakistani but don't identify with Islam at all, infact I am an atheist and I've never been pressured into following any kind of religion. I love the Pakistani half of my family, they're very nice people who have never done anything wrong towards me or anyone else (that I know of). My Grandad was the immigrant approximately 65 years ago, he came here for a better life. He was an engineer who later went on to be a business owner, owning an arcade and restaurant. My Grandad had children again when he was older, 3 boys, and all 3 are around my age so me and them grew up together. We were like best friends and they grew up in England from day1, and were directly exposed to a very stereotypical English life through me (English girlfriends / parties etc).

I would describe all 3 (and my Grandad / his new wife) as intolerant of homosexuality as well as, at the very least, annoyed by many western ideals. I also talk to a few Muslims through gaming and all of them having varying levels of disdain for homosexuals and women (although most of these have grown up outside of a western country).

My point is even the nice and, I guess, 'unsuspecting' members of that religion who have never done anything wrong and don't intend to, still harbour those beliefs... EVEN the ones that have lived a very English life since birth.

The saddest part to me is that it's not even their fault, they're literally brainwashed into believing these things. I remember one summer the middle cousin (about 14 at the time) was helping me in my Mums garden on a particularly hot day. My Mums boyfriend asked us if we wanted some water bringing out to us and he said he can't because he's fasting. I didn't know you couldn't have water during the day, I thought it was just food. When I asked him why he can't have water he's replied 'I don't know, that's just how it is'.

It's tragic tbh.

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