Despite racist vitriol, 'Rings of Power' star Ismael Cruz Córdova is not backing down

It’s weird to me that I can’t dislike something for not racist reasons. Here’s why I think this series is garbage:

1) Significant deviation from characters in the book and their relationships to each other.

2) Timelines are totally fucked. I can’t even make sense of it.

3) Geography and plot points aren’t even close. I wish I’d not had to read these books then I’d be blissfully ignorant.

4) Seemingly randomly chosen legacy characters preserved for not much other than name recognition.

5) Much of the moral foundations woven into the books’ plot have been completely removed.

As far as the casting goes, if a person can act I really don’t care what color their skin is or what their heritage may be. Shitty writing is still shitty writing. Sorry if that makes me a big ole fat racist.

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