Did anyone here decide to study CS after considering something very different? How did you make the choice?

So as a person who struggled a lot and found everything that I was looking for in CS, I have a lot to tell.

I wanted to become an astronaut, and as the tale goes I ended up in engineering. I also thought physics is also a good choice for me (I love cosmology and tackling with abstract ideas) so I ended up in MechE, field covered a lot of areas so practically I would end up loving at least one of them. I did not.

Both the department in my university and the culture in the field was not for me. I struggled a lot both with learning the stuff and the environment.

At the end of my junior year I knew I did not wanted continue as a MechE nor in industry or in graduate school. But then again I always hated coding, I had this C class and hated all those pointer stuff etc. I had no other interest in any other field whatsoever, so I was stuck really.

I had a close friend from EEEng, she was quite enjoying programming with Python. During the summer of my junior year I started programming again with Python and I loved it. I took 2 mechatronics courses as electives in my senior year. (That was the only place I can get programming experience, not scientific programming experience which is also present in almost every field nowadays from economics to biology) and I jumped from "HelloWorld" to an A* Search Algorithm in 3 months. But I failed real bad there. I did not know about big O notation nor data structures. Everybody else in the class hated programming at that point but I loved the challenge, I loved the way things work there and I stayed.

At the end of my senior year I failed a core MechE course and decided to not to take the resit exam and have this one MechE free year that I can stuff it with CS courses and see it myself whether I was so frustrated with MechE and running away in any open direction or my love towards CS was real.

This is what I am currently doing. I took AI and OOP courses and followed Machine Learning. Well apparently I love CS, I am good at it and I was not simply running away from MechE.

Currently I am aiming for a MS in CS and then a PhD. I am currently involved in cognitive developmental robotics field and starting to work in lab next week! Also in my country there are tons of open positions for both experienced and inexperienced programmers, I also get to have industry experience very easily. 4 years in MechE I did not earned a dime, while my CS friends were holding steady jobs since their sophomore year. 4 years in MechE, the only well paying job option out there is for 3.5 cgpa guys or if you know someone from inside. It is my first 6 months in CS, I get to work in a lab, I get to hold a part time job.

So to me, CS is the place to be. Work is fun, field is fast progressing, open to entrepreneurship, open to new incoming people from every aspects of life and yes if you are hoping to create a change you can manage that more easily here. But then again the change always starts with you.

Good luck.

/r/cscareerquestions Thread