Discussion about Limp Bizkit's classic "Nookie"

A lot of people are just going to give joke answers, but honestly Nookie and Limp Bizkit changed my life. I was a young kid, didn't really have a lot friends, wrote a lot of "poetry," got beat up a lot, classic pretentious/"artistic" scenario.

When Nookie blew up the airwaves and everyone started acting a dressing like Fred Durst, I realized art was truly dead and there was nothing good left in this world, so I tried to kill myself. Okay, there were a lot of other contributing factors, but Nookie was a big one, honest. Thing is, I didn't die, of course since I'm here typing this. I woke up in the hospital just feeling like I should be dead, and it took a long time to lose that feeling.

Where it all turned around though was when they transferred me to their psych unit. I met a girl, the girl I was going to marry. They say you shouldn't start relationships in these kinds of recovery environments, and we didn't really, we just bonded really fast. I'd joke that I was there because of Limp Bizkit, and she would say "oh, I totally get it! If Britney Spears is still famous when I get out of here I'm going to blow my brains out live on TRL." So basically we bonded over being elitist dicks....but honestly I think we did more to heal each other than any of the doctors did.

We lost touch for a little while after we both left the unit, exchanging some texts occasionally always making plans to visit each other. But She was living with her dad way out of town, and I didn't have car. It took a while but eventually said fuck it and got a cab, for a three and a half hour drive. It was completely worth it though, as I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabbie "yo homes, smell ya later!" I looked at my Kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.

/r/Music Thread