[Discussion] A friend of mine completely lost it and posted this rant on Facebook. I think it perfectly sums up the frustration we all have with the public school system. Thoughts?

I kinda disagree with all this. " We encourage teachers to emphasize grades over your education" That's a big generalization. " You can be really intelligent but make small mistakes and have it drastically affect your final results" I mean yeah if you mess up one step in a math problem the answer you get might be way off but thats just how math works. Messing up on a test isn't going to give you good grades just because you're so intelligent. " Colleges are very interested in your grades" Their the only indicator they have of how well you'll do in college courses which use the same grading systems your ranting about. " You have to take classes you don't care about. Factoring polynomials is useful for every job and PE is where you do nothing useful but complain". Oh no i have to do math. While factoring might not be apart of your job interview it will prepare you for your college courses and is helps with critical thinking. Physical health is important too if you don't want to have a heart attack from all the stress thats coming through this rant. " Homework is redundant and boring" Some of the work at your future job will probably be just as redundant and boring. Being an adult means doing some stuff that you don't want to do. " I have no free time because of schoolwork" Time management is something you have to learn before you get to college. Pretty sure teachers don't give 6 hours of homework and if they do try to take an easier course load next year. " Worse job market since the great depression" Except you're graduating four years from now and the job market is already making a comeback. Also Im not seeing how this is the school system's fault. Most of this could apply to private schools too, since they have the same focus on grades and college. I know this is a heat of the moment rant but it just seems like this person is blaming everyone but himself. Its not my fault its the teachers and the school system and my parents and the Sat and colleges, shit lets blame obama too.

But yeah waking up so early for school is pretty stupid

/r/teenagers Thread Link - imgur.com