I was DISGUSTED by the PATHETIC, NON-TACTICAL players in the SEASON 1 TRAILER, running around like SKILL-LESS IDIOTS, so I made a more ACCURATE, more TACTICAL season 1 trailer, for the CULTURED STRATEGIST such as MYSELF

Hey guys I just wanted to share my unplayable experience I had earlier today playing this game. So I was playing my favorite mode, shoothouse 24/7, (because everyone runs around like a headless chicken) and I was posted up in the office going 7-0. Claymores set up and everything! That being said, you would think I would be safe in my cozy little corner right? RIGHT?! Wrong. Somehow this man who was somehow probably annoyed with me tactically standing still (not camping) busted into the room and thought he was so cool to HUMILIATE ME by doing a finisher on my while I was peaking out the window! Like why not challenge me to a duel instead? So anyway I’m fucking done at this point so I quit the match so he doesn’t have the satisfaction from killing me >:). But still the fact that this can happen makes this game terribly unplayable for me. I was supposed to be safe! Let me know what you guys think... of course I won’t care what you think unless you agree with me...

/r/modernwarfare Thread Link - v.redd.it