Does anyone else feel like they just don’t fit into society as far as lifestyle and values?

You're not alone in that position don't worry about that. I think many people feel that way but don't speak out.

Today society is complex, paradoxical, shallow, everybody seems to want a lot of things that they are not capable of giving themselves, like respect to begin with.

I've been working in customer service for 15 years now, and many many times a day, I meet ppl who are incapable of saying the basic terms of politeness, "Hello, Please, Thank you" it has become sooo hard to say, as if it was going to rip their mouth open.

Problem is, these kinda ppl would find it absolutely scandalous if they were being disrespected, their human rights would be violated so hard that it would take them years of therapy to recover from this horrible experience.

The hypocrisy is a plague in that society, when you're not like that and it's making you feel like you're not part of it when you analyze thoroughly how ppl react, behave, speak.

Then we have entred an era where ppl shout out for unity, being non judgmental with each other, a hypocritical politically correct, but it's just a facade. Fear of being labelled this or that, because of the power of the social media and the terrible impact that goes along with it.

We have built that society, we are responsible for it, but noone will take the blame for it because we're humans and we never learn from our mistakes, and it's not gonna change. How do you want it to change if ppl want unity when they can't stand each other anymore and convey the message that it's cool.

Live your life for you and your loves ones, the rest doesn't matter at all.

/r/Life Thread