Does anyone else not trust Hydaelyn anymore?

The more the discussion goes on here, the more I am reminfded of the series "Belgarath the Sorcerer". I'm going to spoiler it in case anyone has not read the book yet and is interested in reading.

[So here goes...] (#s "The main underlying plot in the series is that somewhere during 'creation' a little piece of the grand universe itself had been 'made wrong'. And as things go, the result of this is that the current reality is 'slightly off' and after that one of the existing gods in the pantheon had been created wrongly. Existance made for a correction, but the current 'reality' had already established itself and didn't want to give up without a fight. So a deal was struck. On one side reality as it should be and on the other side reality as it is. A stage was set up for the final decision/clash to take place and until the final event would take place both sides were allowed to set up the board as favourable to them as possible. Neither side, however, was allowed to directly intervene as it would destroy all existance. They both had to work through 'chosen ones' who at some point in time had to achieve a certain goal or just had to be somewhere and make a decision. In the end, the victor would be allowed to claim the right of being the 'only correct reality' and the other would just not be.

This did not mean, however, that the people we are rooting for in the books were neccesarily ~nice~... Garath did some rather nasty things to those Grey People and what Pol did to Salmrissa wasn't exactly kind either.

And there is something to say for the idea that if reality wasn't supposed to be as it is now, why was it created as it is now in the first place, why do the 'good guys' have to fight to let their version win? If theirs IS the way it's supposed to be there shouldn't be a struggle to begin with.

This to a degree feels like the position between Hydaelyn and Zodiark. They are both in a conflict in which, for one reason or another, they aren't able or allowed to act directly. Hydaelyn seems to be bent on preserving things as they are now. But as things are now is NOT how everything started. So who's to say that this way, or the way Zodiark wants it to be again by Rejoining is 100% the right way?

Sure, if it's the latter we probably would not be able to be. But if it's the former, why did the situation with the two being united even exist? Hydaelyn IS keeping things from us, I have no doubts. But I am thinking that if we're ever given the choice between the pair it'd be such an overwhelming "Everyone lives or everyone dies" choice that we'd pretty much have to side with Hydaelyn or be responsible for the destruction of our reality.")

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