Does anyone else think that was the perfect time for an American Gods adaptation?

I don't think now is a better time than any other time. That sentiment seems motivated by a lack of appreciation for how history tends to repeat itself, the trappings of the modern age, and maybe a dash of golden age fallacy. To paraphrase Mr. World, it's all about systems and systems within systems.

Many of the show's themes have existed across eras if you think to look for it - Do you think the previous centuries didn't have controversial elections or concerns about immigration and cultural conflict? Admittedly though, the notion of looking is a bit of a catch-22, isn't it? History is ever outgrowing our ability to consume and digest it; the more to remember, the more we forget, the more mistakes are repeated.

The nonsense of present day politics and culture is more painfully apparent due to the accessibility of the digital age, especially the phenomenon of social media, but by that same reason is destined to get buried more quickly in the minds of the masses than ever before. Technology has improved our ability to record, but not our ability to remember or appreciate.

On the other hand... Assuming he doesn't cause World War 3 or some terrible equivalent, if President Trump turns out to be worst thing to happen to the world's current generations, I would consider that a blessing.

/r/americangods Thread