Does anyone have a one off, single arc or issue and never really seen again villain they loved?

Philo Zeiss was really cool. He wore these tech goggles. They were wired directly into his brain, functioning as his eyes. They recorded everything, granting him a sort of selectively perfect memory.

Dude was one of those real down to earth crime types. Your basic "I do violence for pay" type, but he worked primarily for one organized crime family that he was pretty loyal to.

He studied Batman's moves and then kicked Batman's ass once he knew Batman's fighting style, so Bruce called in a favor from Cass who Zeiss hadn't studied. Cass busted up Zeiss's face and that was that.

Zeiss did make one more appearance. He'd been disgraced after how poorly the last job went and cut off from the family. Wanted to get revenge on Batman to restore his credability. I remember we got to see what a complete hassle it was for him to get his goggles repaired. He wasn't one of those brainy types who makes his own tech so once The Family stopped covering his medical stuff it was pretty much a quest on its own finding somebody who knew their way around his tech. Pretty sure he didn't have any money to pay them either which just made things worse. Don't remember how that second attempt ended but ultimately it didn't work out and we never saw him again.

I'd love to see him make a return. The goggles were just a cool design. Think you could do a lot of fun stuff with him. The fact that he's so loyal and is dependent on more technologically savvy people to maintain his enhancements means you could take him to a lot of cool places as he pledges himself to bigger science villains. I can see how his grudge against Batman wasn't exactly a thrilling thing to explore though. With such a bland by the numbers relationship with Bruce it's not exactly surprising that he didn't make a reappearance. In that respect even if he was a really cool character I guess he wasn't a fantastic Batman Villain.

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