Does anyone in this sub believe that Steven and Brendon are guilty? If so, why?

Fuck it, I'll take my downvote whuppin' like everyone else who's dared to go against the pro-Avery circlejerk in this thread.

Steven Avery is guilty as fuck.

I have dealt with crooked cops. I am not naive to the idea that a cop will plant evidence or lie to secure a conviction against someone they believe guilty. They totally will.

But there is absolute orgy of physical evidence here. And it's one thing to believe a single piece of evidence or two might have been planted. It's a whole other thing to think all the evidence against Steven is planted. That's just not reasonable and the people who think it was are defying logic and common sense.

In order to be innocent, the cops (or whoever you think framed Avery) had to:

  1. Plant Teresa's remains in his burn pit
  2. Plant Teresa's palm pilot and camera in his burn barrel (not in documentary)
  3. Plant Teresa's key with Steven's sweat-based DNA in Steven's home
  4. Plant a .22 bullet (confirmed with ballistics from Steven's gun--not mentioned in documentary) with Teresa's DNA on it in Steven's garage.
  5. Plant Steven's sweat-based DNA under the hood of Teresa's Rav4.
  6. Plant Steven's blood inside Teresa's Rav4.
  7. Move the Rav4 from the real murder scene to the Avery salvage yard.

That's the bare minimum that has to be true for Avery to be innocent.

What kind of fucking ninjas do you people think the cops (or the real killers) are? Nobody's planting that much evidence on someone. An alternative killer couldn't pull it off without getting caught. If the cops did it, it would've required the involvement of several cops, forensics, etc.

The bullet alone would've required them to somehow find a tiny fired .22 bullet on Avery's property, forensically confirm it came from Avery's gun (or else risk implicating someone else), put Teresa's DNA on it, and then plant it in his garage under a pile of junk. That fact that so many of you believe that happened over the much more likely scenario just shows that you're not coming at this based on a logical and unbiased perspective.

And the amount of evidence alone is enough to conclude the guy did it, but then there's the other things.

Like Teresa's receptionist saying that Avery once answered the door to her in a towel and whatever happened skeeved her out so bad that she didn't want to go back to the Avery property.

This a guy who, at 20 years old, doused a cat in gasoline and threw it in a bonfire. This is a guy who held his own female cousin at gunpoint in the middle of the road. A guy who committed burglaries. A guy who threatened to kill and mutilate his wife via letters to his children. A guy who, according to filed statements from fellow inmates, drew diagrams of a torture chamber he planned to build. A guy who, according to filed statements from the women (at his bail hearing), raped two other women.

Are you guys starting to see why the cops, as crooked as they may or may not be, were so convinced this guy was a rapist the first time around? Except that that case, there was no physical evidence, no connection to the victim, and Steven had alibis out the ass.

But this time, this piece of shit is the last guy to see Teresa Halbach alive. And that mountain of physical evidence on his property? Well, golly gee, the ninja cops just planted all of it.

Anybody who thinks this guy is innocent just isn't being reasonable or logical, nor are they looking at the totality of the case.

Brendan Dassey? Who knows. The kid was obviously pulling at least some of that shit out of his ass at the behest of the cops.

But Steven Avery? Steven Avery is guilty as fuck.

/r/MakingaMurderer Thread