Does the show Unorthodox portray the Haredim/ Ultra Orthodox Jews Accurately?

The show is not accurate at all. It was written by someone who left the community and obviously had a bad experience. Therefore they aren't going to highlight the positive aspects of the community. Certain customs that were shown like the mikvah may have been accurate but the way it represented the community was just wrong. At certain points too like when Yanky looks at Moishe's smartphone and asks it where his wife is, no one is that bad with technology/that stupid to do. Another thing that struck me as odd was why didn't Esty work? She doesn't have any children and that isn't really done these days for a wife with no kids. Also how do they keep having so many meetings with The Rebbe in the family's dining room? Does he have no other hasidim except this one family? There's so many inaccurate things in this show and it just made the community out to be a group of terrible people with no emotion while the secular Berlin people are all shown as amazing and nice people. This isn't the way that the world works. There are better things to do and watch if you want to learn about the Haredi Communities.

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