Discussion points for GamerGate

OMG FINALLY! I tried to push for this when I first joined but looking back I think the aggros sank me to the bottom. 10 main points is all we need, or as many as are concise and accurate.

I won't re-link my post but will place it here for reconsideration.

The nature of Media: It's not to get to the 'truth' or the bottom of a story. Discard these illusions of fairness right away, they are detrimental. It's to spread a narrative as we well know. To create controversy and silence and pillory people in the public eye, to create spectacle. This is why someone losing their shit on the news is referred to as "great television".

What's the point then? Well, if you are on national media, the best thing to do is to get the message out, whatever it may be. Have talking points or message points made up in advance. Review them, know them by heart. The WORST thing you can do in talking to the media is actually consider and thoughtfully answer their questions. If you ask for a list of questions in advance, be prepared to get blindsided by something you agreed not to talk about. Nothing looks worse than silence or refusing to answer, or arguing with the reporter about details he said/she said. The news anchor isn't there because they know what's going on. THey are just the face of the media and when they are done talking they disconnect the batteries and wheel them back into the closet until the next segment. Don't expect insight or consideration from them.

Successful Media interaction generally goes like this:

1.Journalists asks a question "What do you have to say about gamergate harassing women like [Insert name here]

2.Repondent deflects the question "I don't know who is harassing [insert name here] (or just say "I don't know about that, but)

3.BRIDGE TO MESSAGE POINT "What I do know is---

4.SPILL THE MESSAGE POINT " Gamergate is in favor of female game developers and has contributed to charities such as TFYC".

In this way the accusation is batted aside and the viewer is left, not with the memory of someone vehemently denying accusations of harassment, but with the impression that gamergate supports women in the media.

Listen, deflect, bridge to message point. That's all that you need to know. Sure it seems dishonest, but if you are actually answering the questions, it's easy to get blindsided if they throw out something like "Why do you support women being chased out of their homes by an angry mob" or ETC.

Final points--

Don't try to be funny. Don't ask for questions before hand. You'll get this wolf like grin that says "oh you lost little lamb".

NEVER Agree with the commentator on anything. Even if you do agree, rephrase it in your own way (emphasizes your message).

NEVER use the medium to attack anyone. Pointing out hypocrisy is fine, but never name names, just leave the suggestion and bridge to a message point (compare and contrast, never attack).

Finally, consider this report about contaminated dog food. Sure it seems random, and I'm not posting this for a discussion of the content, but it's a GREAT example of the above tactics in action.


/r/KotakuInAction Thread