Marvel Reaches Out to Young, Female Bookstore Readers in New Title

WAH PIRACY IS EQUIVELENT TO THEFT WAH WAH MUH FALSE EQUILEVENCE MUH STRAWMAN. the female gender =/= feminists and faux progressives. you are missing my point entirely. literally everyone I argue with on this topic cries "but piracy is theft theft is bd" thinking its an argument its not when you create entertainment you are on the same level of a street performer in the digital world.

The comics market is expanding and trying to widen it's audience. There's nothing wrong with marketing to a new audience

MUH INCLUSSIION NARRATIVE MUH INCLUSIION INCLUSION IS PROFITABLE. and into the trash your argument and point goes because you are ignoring my point or not understanding it. I want to go to free comic book day and just wait till I hear some inclussion narrative and "accidentally" trip the person who says it so their teeth hit the curb and break into their jaw. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I think trying to get teenage girls to read comics is great idea.

MUH INCLUSION MUH INCLUSION INCLUDING TEENAGE GIRLS BY PANDERING TO STRAWMAN OF THEM FROM WHAT FEMINISM TELLS US THEY WANT IS GUD. instead of just making mostly gender neutral comics as they've always been we need to make shitty scot pilgrim clones and body positive comics :DDD

completely missing the point I made. I like comics like silk, and the young justice, I dislike comics like thor, squirrel girl s that pander to the journalists not the audience.

the rest I don't give a fuck about. I'm still going to torrent the comics until the heresy is gone (which is never.) so until marvel and dc burn to the ground or change they aren't getting a cent from me. and even if they did fuck that company after what They've done.

I started reading comics when I was 18 and I would have loved something like this with first issues complied in it. I

I liked manga for a while longer, I don't see how the is an argument but nice to talk about the experiences around being a fan I guess. I prefer horror manga, and things like the walking dead. image is a great company imo. I guess its probably going to turn into the "we can't keep these comics alive better put them all into one compilation other wise they will die." which is what its looking like with most their shitty webcomic quality ones. and even if its not I can always just drop out comic entirely and say "fuck it that industry and hobby is dead to me now I just keep reading the walking dead and everyone in those communities and hobby can go fuck themselves I'll just read the comics I like while torrenting them and not give a shitty company like the big two a single cent." which I've already done.

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