Doesn’t get much better than a cheap death/shit joke

You're definitely not wrong. I think the main issue with collegehumor now though is that it seems too contrived and the jokes all pretty much follow the same premise of long set up--->joke--->explanation of joke... and yeah, constant political jokes definitely ruin the charm, but I think it's broader than that. The thing with politics is that its more of a hot topic now than it was, say, a few years ago. It's an easy joke so they jump on the bandwagon and it ends up being more #relatable than funny. The new CH jokes (and a lot of "comedy" material now) all seem to revolve around "relatable" topics like memes, pop culture, politics, etc., and whenever they do try and go "out of the box" the punchline always ends up being a wow-look-how-zany-this-is type of thing with no substance. The style of jokes were different with the old CH skits or hardly working; not everything had to do with whatever was buzz worthy at the moment, so it was more unpredictable and generally funnier (most of the time, that is. they still had a lot of shitty skits, but at least if it wasn't funny it had heart and seemed more genuine) than it is now. Idk man it might be the nostalgia talking but I'm really stoned right now and I have a lot of feelings :/

TL;DR: "relatable" content is ungodly and it makes me sad

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