Why is Doflamingo so strong?

My line is when people are still fighting when they should be able to.

You meant shouldn't, right?

You shouldn't be able to continue fighting after a few direct punches to the head from a grunt marine. Anyone punched by Luffy would literally explode as if shot by artillery.

I think it's safe to infer from this statement that you just dislike superhuman ability in general. Am I wrong? Is that not a logical deduction? And don't try to tell me again that it isn't relevant. It's absolutely relevant. It's the stated reason for you disliking Doflamingo in your initial comment.

In Zoro's case, it's one thing I dislike, amongst a bunch of things I do like. In Doflamingo's case, it's one thing I dislike, plus the fact that he is just a terrible human being.

Ok... I see. So there are a few thing I've taken away from this conversation so far.

  • You go for manga like Fairy Tale and One Piece despite the fact that you dislike like superhuman abilities.

  • You dislike a villain at least in part because he is a bad person.

You're obviously entitled to your opinion but I don't get it at all.

To most people there's a difference between liking someone as a villain/character and liking them as a person. One reason Doflamingo is such a popular character is that he's such a despicable person(though there are plenty of other reasons to like him).

And you really are reading in the wrong genre given your preferences.

You know you probably won't like the vast majority of characters Luffy faces from this point on right? Kaido is going to be even stronger than Doflamingo and thus far seems like a pretty awful person. Same for Big Mom and Teach. Arguably Akainu as well.

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