Dom needs therapy

I don’t think that crying when you are sad is unhinged either. I think his ‘sadness’ is a little disproportionate when it comes to the situation that caused it (a girl he barely knows dumps him, he then professes his love for her). That in itself I find a little off but would not have commented on it. but what makes his behavior a red flag to me is that right the next say he has the same intense attachment to a new girl and the other girl (who made him so sad) is forgotten. You could say he is a very unreliable narrator of his own emotions and that is not a good thing.

These attachments seem random and inconsistent and hence rather insincere. I don’t think he is a ‘bad person’ btw.. I just don’t think judging form what I have seen on screen that he is prepared to be in a healthy relationship at this point in time due to these issues.

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