Izzy and Chloe shouldn’t have been on the show

  • Big age gaps are absolutely an issue: anyone who has spent more than 5 minutes on r/relationships will recognize how there are often big power imbalances that can set up the younger person for a bad time. Financial gaps, life experience gaps, and romantic experience gaps can all play a role. To be clear, there are exceptions, but it's a clear pattern that emerges when these power gaps are baked into the relationship from the start.

  • Shayne and Chloe: weirdly I wasn't upset by this at all - like someone else mentioned, Shayne is emotionally immature for his age and they actually connected and seemed to really care for each other. Shayne displayed big issues that would have made him a bad partner for anyone, but I don't think those issues were from age

  • Producers were the real villains: to me, some of the worst behavior was from producers misrepresenting sleeping arrangements to the cast, and putting people in situations where they were A. Drinking a lot, B. Forced to match romantically/sexually with someone they don't know, and then C. Making those matches sleep in the same room.

I'll add that Bartise was predatory for taking advantage of those producer choices when A. Izzy was visibly drunk and slurring her words, and B. Clearly pressuring Abbey for sex. There's no indication he slept with Izzy but I have zero trust that they didn't engage sexually

/r/PerfectMatchNetflix Thread