LDS Church tells California leaders to not approve religious exemption to COVID-19 vaccine mandates

I'm a below average gymnast, but as far as I can tell (in slow motion replay), ... it's 2 back hand flips followed by a double full layout.

For UT's Sen. Lee (and fellow firebrands), apparently, the only thing that would make heaven EVEN MORE HEAVENLY than religious exemptions for LGBT (which, of course SCOTUS voted 6-3 against, rejecting the prominent preference of the LDS/evangelical lobby,\_Bostock%20Amicus%20Brief%20Final%20Version%20CORRECTED.pdf), .....would have been ....(wait for it) ..........VACCINE EXEMPTIONS, ... lol. Kinda anti-climactic, I know, but hey, it's how Mike gets his kicks when he isn't even free to drink unsweetened coffee/tea, I suppose.

Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if more than one person leaves the church over this policy. In other words, some may replace the double with a triple full layout, at the end of their logical line of ... basic bullshit.

Some may conclude it is like the long list of other missteps over LDS checkered past. They'll reach a silly conclusion they prefer (based on whatever their social media algorithm suggests).

It's a strange world we occupy.

But, since LDS set their own official policy (with no accountability but to a non-existent sky ally) vaccination mandates do not burden LDS religious liberty.

I'm just happy that in the LDS version of heaven, in addition to LGBT religious restrictions, there isn't also a religious exemption for burning printing presses who print exposes!

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