Domain: The taking of Bryn Mawr Avenue

Okay so Im a current student at NEIU.

I feel and a lot of other students and staff feel that President Hahs is ridiculous. Almost noone supports her plans on eminent domain to build dorms. However they are going through with it anyway. They plan on having them by Fall 2016.

However, you can justify this saying you have no space. There is a HUGE, and I mean HUGE athletic field that is not being used right on Foster. They discontinued their athletic programs in the 90's so theres no need for the pointless baseball field right? How about the giant area in-between that pointless field and all the way to the campus (enough to hold about six big buildings).

In order for her to be funding this they're cutting teachers. Classes that I have been interested have been cut, teachers I was looking forward to taking have been fired. Not only are the professors protesting on the campus but students are joining them. No one supports the cuts and no one the supports the eminent domain.

If they're going to use eminent domain then at least test the dorm idea on campus first. There is plenty of space to create a dormitory facility on that campus why must they take others homes first? I have seen future plans to be voted on in the future to build more buildings on campus and some of them are dorms! They actually plan on building dorms on campus eventually so why not do that first? Even the community wants that to happen before they take away their homes.

We all understand the defense "They'll be compensated a fair amount" but they dont want to be compensated a fair amount otherwise they would have taken it already. Yes I understand that in all honesty Bryn Mawr Ave is very... run down. Build a dorm facility could help improve the economy, but is that needed?

Almost no one at my university likes President Hahs especially the faculty....

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