Donald Trump Is Considering Newt Gingrich for Vice Presidential Role

Jesus Christ no. This just makes the cards fall the way it seems like they were intended to when I was learning about how Trump was friends with the Clintons a long time ago. To summarize, imagine Trump intends to get Hillary elected by running a false flag against her. He coins in all the Bernie supporters to his side, then disgusts them by electing someone he knows they will hate to run as his VP. That's twice now, with Chris Christie and Newt Gingrich. Disgusting.

I've been avidly amused with Trump the entire campaign, even happy as hell he was running just because he was putting psychotic maniacs like Cruz to shame. But in my bipartisan stance, I'm feeling like he needs to go with fresh and amicable individuals for open slots instead of old hated pieces of shit from way back when. This is the foundation of the "Nimble navigation" coming into light, the whole "I'm not going to say anything until you're all in" reality. There's lawyers (Clintons) and Beaurocrats (Trump) but no scientists, no artists, no anything other than lawyers and bankers who take the seat at the top. It's the eye at the top of the pyramid, and it's why I didn't opt to vote this cycle. I got used to it after Obama got fucked every which way. He was Bernie 1.0, everyone calling Bernie a revolutionary forgets what happened when Obama ran for his first term. And what happened throughout. It's like Americans don't like to remember things. I wonder sometimes why the fuck that is. Why the fuck I feel like one of the only people around who seems to remember a god damn thing. Is this all a big fucking joke, are there really so few who use their brains to really disassemble what they live amongst, or does apathy just destroy them. I don't really know anymore.

Fuck Newt. He's about as enthralling as Ben fucking Stein. Newt is a professional liar. He's good at it. Anyone who relishes in religion while tempering war horns is part of a system, an establishment, and a ton of rhetoric I read about pro Trump individuals both in youtube and on this subreddit glorify him as "being anti-establishment." Frankly, there is no such thing. And all of this makes me just that more satisfied with not giving a shit. I'm an ant trying to pretend I can control the universe by pushing a pebble. When it comes down to it, humans are animals and are slaves to the Earth, their instincts, and their organic needs. Religion is a system of control as is money, but control allows division, and division prevents anarchy.

I wonder sometimes how many others out there realize nobody is really in control. And that it is all an illusion, that somewhere in the mess of it all the little things are what is important, and that maybe we're all really lucky to have the comforts and sustainability we do now. Life may not be perfect, but what really is.

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