I don't know maybe a dream

Fifteen years ago I had a run of odd experiences. One time I was floating towards something, but resisting it, and then it got a bit more forceful. Everything went at a 45 degree angle and I started moving faster into this tunnel but then it suddenly stopped. Another time I woke up and was floating and then dropped onto my bed, which was properly made. I can't explain that, and at the time it happened the thought in my mind as I dropped was, "explain this." I was experiencing simple sleep paralysis several times a week during this time along with other fun experiences. It all seems to have been related to the medication I was taking to help treat recurrent sinus infections as these experiences mostly stopped once I discontinued the medication. Also, I was under a lot of stress due to work and had recently gone through a breakup, which certainly didn't help matters.

(I should note that on multiple occasions I have challenged myself in a dream to do something when I wake up so the "explain this" thought isn't out of character)

/r/Abductions Thread