I dont think i necessarily have ASPD now but I worry i might develop it in the future?

I may have not described well, its not a literal voice just to clarify. Its just thoughts i have.

Also, i said i have a heightened sense of empathy but i just looked up the actual definition of empathy because i realised ive never actually done that before and i realise i dont fucking do that at ALL. I mask incredibly well, my other disorders have shown that, and I've just sat and thought and tried to actually recall a time i was able to actually "put myself in someone else's shoes", and i realise ive never been able to do that, my time is just taken up by me saying I can do that, i think that stems from when i did theatre studies in school and I excelled at it and my teacher said it might be because I can put myself in the characters shoes well, so i just took that sentence and ran with it.

Besides"pitting myself in someone else's shoes" i can experience cognitive empathy, but emotional empathy? Not at all. I dont understand how or why other people feel their emotions, i dont take on their emotions at all.

I need to start drawing lines between me and my mask because ive been wearing the mask for so damn long that im finding it difficult to establish what is me and what is mask. Emotional empathy is definitely mask.

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