Why don't some of the mods participate?

You say you're not pushing for this, yet I've not seen a single person asking for such specific info. If you could point me to where these posts/comments are, I'll gladly read them.

There have also been meta posts about what they're working on and what's changing. There were posts about the sidebar having been updated, the FAQ/Wiki getting redone, etc.. People were notified of these changes. If someone wants to know every minuscule change, that's on them.

I was playing devils advocate mentioning how some users might want transparency with the mods and why they might feel that way. You took what I said and went further into specifics that I did not agree with. I gave an example of what I meant as a response to your post. If mods are already informing users albeit different from my example, awesome. The point of my original comments is users should know what each mod is doing in general so users and mods are on the same page.

Mods posting about who contacted them? On a monthly basis? I, myself, have contacted the mods probably 4-5 times within the past month. Now multiply that by the active users here.

My bad, I shouldn't have put a comma between "contacted by" and "arranged for". I meant companies who contacted them, not users. And that would only be relevant if something were to come out of it. Also, I did not say "monthly basis", I said "months". Plural. You're making it seem like I said I want mods to report minute details of every single thing they do, all the time. This is not the case. The words I used were "summary", "in general", "brief" and "once in a while".

Users absolutely should not get to pick who gets to be a mod.

My opinion is users should at least have some say in it since users are a huge part of the community. Why not do what other subs do like have people apply in a thread with contest mode setting and let users comment with their opinion. Then the mod team can choose from the applicants and take account of the input in their final decision.

Just because someone is popular somewhere doesn't mean they should be given power and privilege.

Heh. Well a user essentially became a mod because she happened to be the one who posted that highly visible mega thread... "we were impressed with how she handled this situation and think she will be a valuable addition."

I'm prefacing this by saying I'm not aiming to be rude, because I'm honestly not. I've tried rewording this a few times, and I'm sure it'll come across harsh regardless of how I try to phrase it.


See where I'm going with this?

Thanks for being condescending.

Anyways, I'm going to stop here. You are entitled to your views and I am to mine, we don't have to agree and that's fine. Best wishes.

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