Why don't you talk to your once "best friend" anymore?

No one is going to read this, but I need to blow off some steam. I have been thinking about this a lot lately, ironically enough, but I hate telling my new circle of friends how I feel about my old ones.

My best friend since I was 12, dropped me because I was honest to her about her boyfriend being shady.

My best friend since I was 16, I dropped because she openly tried to steal my stuff in front of me, and then denied it to my face even though she had dumped out my purse because "it looked like hers" (my purse is tiny, compact, sleek, and fits everything I need in it. Hers was big, bulky, and a very hippie-esque pattern. No fucking way.)

Best friend I gained when I was 17, started doing crack and then argued that my life choices were wrong because I got a boyfriend after I called her out.

I found out another friend I've had since I was 18 had risque pictures of me I NEVER sent him. Now he is going through a rough time and keeps looking to me for help, but I literally just can't interact with him.

My best friend is turning into a Bridezilla and I have been on the recieving end for a lot of stuff since I'm her maid of honor.

I have lost so many fucking supposed best friends in the past almost 15 years that I have had almost delusional anxiety about the two remaining friends I have that I would consider close. I fucking hate my shitty decision making skills so much.

/r/AskReddit Thread