I Don't Understand Who GGG Wants Playing This Game

Im a standard player since release in 2013, I've tried some leagues later on (delve incursion legion blight harvest heist) out of which only harvest was actually fun, my draw to the game was (and still is) the possibility of making stupidly strange builds that somehow work, or just breaking thing, I've tried everything from rf dark pact slayer, through rocket man to server melting builds pushing the limit of the tick speed of the game, im the reason you can no longer achieve 100% reduced attack speed in game (it is now hard capped to 99%).

This game was perfect for me, but since around 3.4 they have slowly started to move away from that, it started with smaller changes to mechanics and the introduction of hard caps, moved over to straight out reworks or even a removal of mechanics and ended up with the vast majority of off meta builds not being viable anymore, each time I wanted to make something new, the required investment increased, but that is not the worst part, the worst part is that I can no longer play any of my old characters, since not a single one of them works anymore, I have almost 10 years of builds that aren't working anymore, with a single "meta" build left.

The reason I want to play standard is to not have to start over, to be able to use what I've crafted, but ggg stopped caring about us in standard. Sure they cant balance the game around standard, but since the scourge patch, they started to change existing RARE items that were crafted years ago, bricking builds worth multiple mirrors without as much as mentioning it in the patch notes, and the complete destruction of the standard economy this patch was my final straw

/r/pathofexile Thread