I don't think I will ever have to shave again. Review of Silk'n BellaFlash Hair Removal Device.

This was going to be my constructive discussion which contributes to the thread, but I kept being derailed by people who were straw manning me:

Permanent hair removal? Absolutely not.

I was debating on posting anything in this thread in case of any despotic backlash from the MODS. I am going to be constructive here and hope anyone reading really thinks takes a step back and takes some time to ponder on this post, this thread, and everyone gobbling all this stuff up.

The integrity of this subreddit and what it use to be seems like it is going south these days and it must be upheld by a higher level reason and evidence and other users who want this to be a place free of pseudo claims and borderline shill recommendations based on anecdotal experiences that not only epitomize YMMV but even worse, provide unsubstantiated claims, no insight or information on the science involved, or about what people are getting into in the first place, ESPECIALLY BEFORE forking out over $200.

OP responded to you with:

It claims forever. But I'll let you know ;)

I guarantee you OP will be using that IPL for the rest of her life. You can tell even in the pictures she posted that the hair as it is beneath the skin hasn't ejected from the follicle.

I honesty feel like you are all being sold snake oil here. This post is purely anecdotal without any sort of background information on the options available and the actual process involved in reduction or permanent damage of hair follicles.

OP posted in her review:

An at-home version of laser or IPL treatments, promising permanent hair removal?

The fact she evokes relativism and has laser and IPL on the same playing field is a clear indication she has no baring on the science involved and the degree to which they differ in terms or energy.

IPL is light consisting of a range of wavelengths. So in the range it consists of, it's intensity isn't as strong as a laser (which is wavelength specifc, much higher intensity). So it is a probability if ANY of those wavelengths will do the trick and even if they do they don’t deliver the same punch as a laser.

A laser is wavelength specific. Laser hair removal GREATLY reduces growth of the hair by simply damaging the hair follicle. There are no indications or conclusive studies that exist claiming the results are PERMANENT.


IPL and laser techniques require top ups by users. IPL top ups being more frequent than laser top ups, which makes sense given the very definition of these applications.

So again, to reiterate, NEITHER IPL or laser hair removal provides PERMANENT hair removal

OP said in her review:

was a bit disappointed that I had to shave prior to beginning my first treatment.

Why shave before? (This applies to lasers too) Because the wavelength of the variable wavelengths in the IPL is attracted to the pigment of the hair follilce you are damaging. If you don’t shave prior to using it, all the hair exposed above the skin is going to absorb that heat energy from the light. Which would not only make this procedure MORE painful, it’s also going to prevent the hair at the root of the follicle from being damaged, making the IPL (or laser) EVEN LESS EFFECTIVE. Shaving is imperative for the IPL (or laser) to damage the hair follicle closer to the roof the hair.

Electrolysis is the ONLY proven method to permanently destroy a hair follicle. It is a needle literally put inside the hair follicle delivering a jolt to get rid of hair forever.

I can't believe the lack of communication in this thread, coupled with the misinformation or lack thereof.

Come on guys get it together!

/r/SkincareAddiction Thread Link - blog.skincare-addiction.com