Dry Ride - Raingear for your seat

Do you want to know the fastest way to ruin your day? Sitting on a wet seat. You get up on your bike after a long day and… the seat is sopping wet. Enter our product, Dry Ride — a sleek, compact, and weatherproof cover for your bicycle seat. Why use a plastic grocery bag to cover your seat when, frankly, it doesn’t even work? Dry Ride will solve your problems. The nylon-based fabric ensures that the cover can weather all conditions, whether it is rain, mud, hail, snow, sleet, or dust. A cinch along the edge of the cover eliminates the possibility of runoff. The Dry Ride cover also comes with a quick-drying mesh pouch that fits perfectly underneath the bicycle seat. The storage is compact and easy, so as to make the experience as seamless and clean as possible. Dry Ride strives to make the lives of every bicycle owner better - whether you’re a mountain biker, road biker, bike commuter, or simply just own a bike, we believe Dry Ride is for everyone. Dry Ride: Raingear for your seat.
We would love your thoughts on our product! Let us know if you would be interested in swapping out your old, plastic grocery bag for a sleek, durable, and weatherproof bike seat cover. All opinions are valued!

/r/BikeLA Thread Link - reddit.com