What is the point of hard work if it doesn't guarantee anything?

Not into polyandry, but thanks for offering that suggestion.

And yea now I know what you mean about the S/O and money. If I do find one that can support a family financially that would be great (although i'm not picky about that because I truly sympathise with anyone who struggles to make money)

Would be nice to find a workout buddy, but university and life obligations prevents me from having that time to find a girl to workout with on a consistent basis (although maybe in the distant future if i ever become successful)

Im also not too picky with faces, im more picky with body shapes. If the breasts are at least there (not flat) then thats a good enough size to me. Im more of a hips/ass/slim waist kind of person. Although I know not all girls have the pelvic bones to have wide hips; that's mostly genetics.

Its funny im even talking about this, i dont even know why I am. I have much bigger problems to think about. Maybe I'm just going crazy because ive been away from my family 70% of the time for the past several years, i dont even know.

Oh and btw, hows everything in your life going?

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