Dude quits Mcdonald’s after being told to clean

People like this are dumb.

When I worked in fast food, I learned about 2 months in... if I'm cleaning shit... I DON'T have to be dealing with customers.

If I'm sweeping the lobby, I DON'T have to have some asshole on a cellphone bark an order at me and then throw change at me and spin his finger in the air as if telling me to "hurry up" while he continues talking to whoever.

If I'm mopping the bathrooms, I don't have to listen to 6 15-year old girls argue amongst themselves about who is going to get what because for some reason they have decided nobody can order the same thing so they all have to compromise into getting shit they don't even want but they didn't discuss any of this until they got to the register, while you've got a line of 10 people behind them.

If I'm taking out the trash, I'm not getting yelled at by the fat old lady who lvies a block away, comes in every day, and claims every day we made her food wrong the day before, so now we have to remake it yet a fucking gain for now the 60th consecutive day of her scamming us for free food and the manager insisting the customer is always right, even when they are blatantly stealing from us and treating us like garbage while doing so.

If I'm cleaning windows, I don't have some BMW-driving yuppie asking me how much I make an hour so he can tell me he just earned $50k closing on a house and he makes me weekly wage in about 5 minutes, and that women flock to him everywhere he goes because his wealth defines him and it's the only thing of value anyone sees in him and for some reason he really just wants to make sure I'm aware that in this specific area he is way, way, way superior to me. What the fuck do you even want, why are you here, what the fuck is your order, SIR?

If I'm doing dishes, I'm not getting coughed on by some obviously sick asshole who is fucked up on theraflu and decided to go stand at a register and cough at me for 20 minutes while trying to figure out through the brain fog why they even came to this store.

I used to literally choose to clean human shit over dealing with the average customer. If I had to go back into that line of work, I'd make the same decisions again. Pop in some ear buds while you clean and work can be downright pleasant.

/r/ImTheMainCharacter Thread Link - v.redd.it