My observations from smurfing/Matchmaking ranking up

I love low silvers, they are my people :-) I personally feel I am in silver because my aim is terrible, I have a good sense for the game, pre-aim's, buying/not-buying, etc, I just panic spray 99% of the time and get rekt haha

I feel I can explain why they don't buy, it more comes from thinking it is a quicker way to make more money. After winning pistol, my fellow players tend to assume that they will win a second pistol too. Heck I've seen people who don't even buy the third round after a 2-0 start! There is also the opposite, and more prevalent side which buys everything all the time. Only have $1400 after a lost round? That is plenty of money for a bizon! Or a nova and a flash!

On the talking a lot, good lord yes. This one bugs me the most, especially in clutch situations. Too many times have I seen people chatting idly about skins, then after they get killed they complain about getting caught by a rush, when in truth had they shut up about their pretty factory new asimov skin they would've heard footsteps.

In clutch is the worst, THE WORST. There is always that guy who will start talking about anything and everything, or even keep saying where he saw him yada yada. Let me set the scene that annoys me about silvers:

(Note this is for my fellow players, I recently learned of a "mute all" thing that I have keyed on my #8 that I can click on my mouse side buttons so I don't have this issue anymore)

Map: Dust2
CT side - my team
Bomb site - A

Our second to last guy (Player 2) is in goose with an Aug, scoped towards long after T's have unsuccessfully split, bomb is on the last guy. Our other player (Player 1) left dies in long doors.

Player 1: "AH I died long doors, lit 30."
Player 2: ::Stays scoped long::
Player 1: ::Continues ranting about how pissed he is that he died::
Player 3: ::Joins conversation to rant about that scrub T using an auto::
Player 4: ::Starts asking player 1 if he wants to trade skins::
Player 5 (Me): "Guys quiet so he can hear."
Player 1: "No man it's fine the guy was long and this guy is scoped there he will be fine."
Player 3: "He probably rotated B."
Player 2: ::Dies as T comes barreling in from cat, unheard by Player 2 because of team chatting::

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